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The study of English develops essential skills for professional success and personal fulfillment: an understanding of language and its functions in society; fluency in written communication, in both practical and artistic applications; and a critical appreciation of literary works from diverse time periods and cultures. 对于英语电子游戏试玩的学生来说,最常见的职业道路就是写作, editing, and publishing; advertising and public relations; business administration and management; technical writing; and teaching at middle school, high school, 或者大学水平. 主修或副修英语也是学生考虑研究生或电子游戏试玩学习人文学科的一个很好的选择, law, or business. 英语系的 实习项目 能否为学生提供宝贵的职前经验和就业机会, 出国留学的选择可以增强学生的学术和文化体验.

英语系参加了非洲和非裔美国人研究项目荣誉计划,跨学科研究项目 国际研究课程, and the 性别研究课程. 给全校学生, 英语系开设基础研究课程,分为五个类别:作文, 文学研究, 全球视野与文化多样性, 美术及表演艺术, 和高年级综合选修课.