Welcome to the 部门 of Languages, 文献, 和语言学 (LLL) at Indiana State University.

The 部门 of Languages, 文献, 和语言学 (LLL) offers studies in foreign languages, 语言学, 和TESL, as well as language teaching.  Our graduates use their language skills both professionally and in the classroom, and many have chosen to pair an LLL major or minor with another degree program.  

We have dedicated language programs in 西班牙语, 法国, 德国, 日本, 拉丁, 和语言学, and are currently offering courses in Arabic and Persian.  

INCOMING STUDENTS: Did you take a foreign language in high school or at another college prior to enrolling at ISU? 点击 在这里 to find out how you can gain credits for your previous coursework and/or get placed into higher-level foreign language courses!

Interested in talking to former LLL 研究生s?  访问我们的 校友导师 页面!


新闻 & 事件

Our 2023 部门 新闻letter has been released!

读它 在这里

We are now accepting applications for our Hybrid MA Program in TESL 和语言学!

Our MA degree began its first year as a hybrid program in 2021-22, meaning that it will be possible to complete your master's degree completely online! All courses in the program will be offered hybrid, meaning they can be taken in person or online. More information about the program can be found in the video below:



谢谢你,博士. Leslie Barratt, Professor Emerita! Dr. Barratt has issued a challenge of $1000. Help us meet her challenge on Give to Blue Day!
The 部门 has an array of endowed scholarships available. However, many provide very small awards. When you make a donation to LLL, you can designate a specific scholarship (under Comments in the donation form)

The 部门 of Languages, 文献 和语言学 is a vibrant place! You can keep it so by giving to the areas that matter to you most. Here’s w在这里 your gift might go:

  • 奖学金 The 部门 has an array of endowed scholarships available. However, many provide very small awards. More substantial awards for 法国, 西班牙语, 拉丁, Less Commonly Taught Languages, 和语言学 would benefit students. 看到 捐赠到LLL页面 有关奖学金详情.
  • 出国留学 Our degree program requires students to study abroad for at least 6 weeks. Every student needs the extra support to make study abroad a reality. If you are an alum, you know just how important that experience is.
  • 实习 We are building our internships for students. 最近, we partnered with Southern Indiana Education Center for our students to teach 英语 to adult migrant workers at the Melon Acres Farm in … Indiana (see State Magazine Winter 2019). Most internships are unpaid, yet students have costs (especially gas money) to participate.
  • 通用语之家 is a dedicated floor in Burford Hall for students of languages. Funding for 通用语之家 will support student activities on the floor. Our long-term goal is to purchase an old fraternity house and open a language house that would allow our students to experience true immersion and a living/learning community dedicated to languages 和文化s.
  • 演讲嘉宾 Each year the department brings a guest speaker to talk to students about preparing for careers in languages, 语言学, 和文化. It is important for our students to hear from professionals, but such events cost the department money for transportation. Perhaps you will be our next guest speaker!