
In addition to encouraging fraternities and sororities to participate in Indiana State University and Terre Haute community events, programs, 和活动, the Fraternity and 女生联谊会的生活 Office provides a variety of programming and education opportunities throughout the academic year. As part of being a member of a fraternity or sorority at Indiana State University, we have the following two focused learning outcomes:

  • Students who affiliate with a fraternity or sorority will apply an understanding of personal and organizational values to their decisions and actions
  • Members of a fraternity or sorority will display effective leadership skills in a variety of settings.

In order to achieve these learning outcomes and provide students the opportunity to express the core values from our mission statement of personal growth, leadership, 学术, 慈善与服务, 以及对校园活动的自豪, the FSL office has a variety of programming and development opportunities, 下面列出并概述.

2023 FSL冬季嘉年华


  • 所有理事会会议: Biweekly on Wednesdays during the Fall and Spring semesters, representatives from all four governing councils come together for joint meetings. We begin together to 聆听演讲嘉宾, 分享重要的更新, and review an educational topic before breaking out into individual council meetings for regular business.
  • 顾问圆桌会议: Once per month during the Fall and Spring semesters and once over the summer, Fraternity and 女生联谊会的生活 staff host a roundtable meeting with fraternity and sorority chapter and campus advisors to discuss important updates from the University, 聆听演讲嘉宾, and build a cohort among advisors to discuss best practice topics for supporting undergraduate students.
  • 一对一辅导会议: Once per month during the Fall and Spring semesters and as needed over the winter and summer breaks, each organization president (or their designee) meets with their FSL Office staff advisor from the chapter coaching portfolio. These meetings follow a shared agenda during the regular academic year and are an opportunity to share information, review Standards of Excellence performance evaluations, 并接受共享的反馈. Presidents will also complete a leadership or personality assessment during the meetings.
  • Fraternity & 联谊会生活嘉年华: In the first two weeks of the Fall and Spring semester, the office hosts a carnival-style tabling event that provides an opportunity for potential new members to meet and interact with representatives from all recognized social fraternities and sororities.



  • 总统的撤退: 在第一天上课之前, all council and organization presidents come together for a retreat-style event that provides an overview of information and standard operating procedures, as well as leadership development education specific to the role of the President
  • 全国防止欺侮周: Held annually in the third week of September, the office helps to coordinate educational sessions and online engagement opportunities regarding hazing prevention and understanding. See HazingPrevention.Org 了解更多关于国家周的信息.
  • 酒精技能培训计划: All member organizations receive this risk reduction intervention program, originally developed by the University of Washington, from a trained faciliator on a biannual basis (odd-numbered years). The program helps students and young adults develop skills to make informed choices regarding the use of alcohol. 
  • 优等干预训练计划: All member organizations receive this bystander training program, in partnership with Student Health Promotion, from a trained facilitator on a biannual basis (even-numbered years). Upstander training aims to develop a culture of care and teaches students how to be proactive in helping others in need.
  • 人员就职仪式: A formal celebration event held at the end of every Fall semester, newly elected governing council officers are formally installed into their roles at this event.



  • Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Awards Ceremony: A formal recognition event held at the end of every January to provide recognition of outstanding individuals and the accomplishments of organizations within the FSL community.
  • 希腊领导系列(GLS): Held once per month during the Spring semester, the GLS program provides targeted education and development for a variety of targeted leaders. 
    • GLS I: Occuring in January prior to the start of Spring semester classes, 这半天, retreat-style program provides development and education for new council officers and organization presidents/executive board members
    • GLS II:发生在二月, this interactive workshop style event targets foundational leadership development for new or emerging leaders within the fraternity and sorority community
    • GLS III:发生在3月, this keynote program is open to all members of the community to grow in their leadership potential.