
周日,2021年8月8日- 08:42

Critical 比赛 theory has become the subject of much controversy in Indiana and across the country.


在印第安纳州, Attorney General Todd Rokita has been critical of it and even released a "Parent Bill of Rights" that includes ways for parents to get involved with school boards and review curriculum and state standards.


在新闻发布会上, 他在全州旅行时这样说, "I've heard firsthand the concerns of parents who are deeply troubled by ideologies being imposed in their children's school curriculum."

在一篇专栏文章中, Rokita wrote that "critical 比赛 theory and similar curriculums aim to co-opt America's traditional U.S. 历史课和公民课都有很深的缺陷, 课堂上缺乏事实依据的教学和种族划分."

罗基塔表示,这些“危险的意识形态只会分裂我们的孩子, 是什么导致了社会分裂."

U.S. 森. Mike Braun signed onto a resolution condemning the use of critical 比赛 theory in K-12 schools and teacher training.

与此同时, those familiar with it say it's a topic typically not taught in K-12 schools and wasn't intended to be — it's a theory developed more than 40 years ago and taught primarily at the college level.

但是它是什么呢?? 为什么会有争议?

简单的说, critical 比赛 theory "is a theoretical approach to analyzing how racism has shaped public policy in the United States,阿德耶米·多斯说, assistant professor at Indiana State University's department of multi-disciplinary studies.

根据《电子游戏试玩》上的一篇文章, “批判种族理论是一个有40多年历史的学术概念. 其核心思想是种族主义是一种社会建构, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice but also something embedded in legal systems and policies."

Doss进一步将其描述为在美国发展起来的理论框架.S. 在20世纪70年代中期,民权学术运动批判地评价了美国的法律制度.因为它与美国的种族问题有交集.S.

“它的唯一目的是调查社会, 美国种族和种族主义的文化和法律问题,他说.

What's creating so much controversy "is the fear critical 比赛 theory will become a divisive tool that pits people of color against white people,多斯说. 反对者认为“它教人, 尤其是有色人种和其他种族背景的孩子, 憎恨和不喜欢美国."

有些人可能会说:“这远非事实。, 尤其是那些每天都要接触CRT的人,多斯说.

“在我看来,K-12没有教授批判种族理论. 它只在学院和大学水平上教授。. 他第一次听说这个词是在印第安纳大学攻读硕士学位期间.

The history of slavery in America is covered in K-12 education but not in great depth, 他说. "One could argue that the fundamental purpose of the current political anxiety is to eradicate slavery from American history textbooks."

床铺了, "Slavery is very much a part of the identity and foundation to the development of the United States, 每当这个话题被提起时,哪一点会引起人们的焦虑, but it is something we as a society must come to terms with if our ultimate goal is to create a society built on respect, 哪一个能带来和平."

俗话说,真相伤人. 多斯说:“事实确实如此,归根结底,我们都是人类。.

就K-12美国历史的教学而言, 苦和甜都有, we have to retrain educators on establishing settings conducive to students' intellectual growth and development,他说.

在他的大学课堂上, 他不仅教学生如何用客观的眼光看待事物, 还有如何把他们的情绪排除在外. “有时它会非常情绪化,让你有某种感觉,”多斯说.

他努力创造一种氛围,让每个人的声音都能被听到. “一天结束的时候, it's all about individual self empowerment with the idea of not only making ourselves stronger, 但我们的社区更强大,社会更强大,多斯说.

玛丽霍华德·汉密尔顿, ISU Bayh教育学院教育领导系主任, 在ISU教授她的硕士和博士生批判种族理论.


讨论不应该是关于在K-12学校教授批判的种族理论. “我不知道这是从哪里来的,”她说. “在课程中注入CRT并教授给孩子们并不是重点."

Critical 比赛 theory should serve as a theoretical framework for training K-12 teachers and administrators so they can create pedagogy and curriculum that will help students understand issues of equity, 比赛, 种族主义及相关话题, 她说.

她认为批判的种族理论被误解了. 这是有争议的,因为“我相信这会让人不舒服,”她说. "It allows individuals who normally don't have a voice to share their concerns and opinions."

It also could mean the complete restructuring of some major policies and practices that have become mainstream.

我们的想法是进行讨论, 分析问题, 了解这些政策是如何制定的, who created them and "why there is a need to have more voices sharing in the decision-making process,霍华德-汉密尔顿说.

"You have to admit that a lot of the policies were not created with a gender/racial balance around the table when they were put into practice. That's also what CRT is — bringing about gender/racial balance to talk about what are the processes and policies that were exclusionary,她说.

汤姆Steiger, ISU社会学教授, suggests some conservative politicians are fanning the flames of critical 比赛 theory to stir up constituents and even to raise money.

“右翼把它作为一种非常成功的筹款策略, 这表明这是K-12学生被灌输的东西,他说.

目前提供的“CRT”版本是一种讽刺, 通常关注的是我, 白人, 我对过去的罪恶感到内疚吗. 当, 在最好的情况下, CRT is suggesting that the structures in place today benefit white folks at the expense of others, 而我们(白人)没有意识到这一点. 而且,随着一些建筑被拆除——住房、教育等. ——白人面临着比过去更多的竞争,有些人不喜欢这样. 这些机构尤其容易受到CRT筹款活动的影响。.

同时, critical 比赛 theory is also being used by activists who may want to advance social justice goals; they believe CRT and don't question it, 而学术界则将CRT视为一种有待检验的理论, 用新的证据或知识进行辩论和改进.


基斯Gambill, 印第安纳州教师协会主席, 直到最近我才说, he had never heard of critical 比赛 theory and he believes that's true for most Hoosier educators. It's traditionally been taught in the study of law and other academic areas at the university level.

“所以对于大多数印第安纳州的教育工作者来说, 他们甚至从来没有听说过, 更别说是我们教的了,他说.

But there are educators concerned the controversy may impact what and how they teach certain topics and their ability to answer student questions.

“我认为老师们关心的是许多不同的课程领域, “我会被告知你不能教这个吗?. 这是教不来的?因为有人可能会问你问题 ... 如果你诚实地回答这个问题,那就违反了一些规则或法律。.

甘比尔是一名声乐和戏剧教师, 考虑到话题的转变, "Would I be put in a position where I would no longer be able to teach and discuss 'West Side Story,这是美国音乐剧中最伟大的作品之一?他问.

The musical explores the rivalry between two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. 甘比尔说:“争执的核心是种族问题.

当学生的问题涉及敏感或困难的话题时, teachers understand they need to present age-appropriate responses that tie into state academic standards and local school curriculum, 他说.

"We shouldn't be micro-managing every word and syllable that comes out of our teachers' mouths,他说.

当被问及为什么他认为政客们可能会把它当作一个问题时, Gambill说, 他说:“我认为我们必须调查这起案件的动机? 这背后的驱动力是什么?"

The divisive issue comes at a time "when I think our teachers and schools have done such an amazing job this past year and a quarter" responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. "I just marvel at the work [teachers] have been able to do and salute all of their efforts."

Gambill补充道, "It's so sad that at a time when we should be lifting up our folks who have done such a tremendous job, 感觉我们被攻击了. 对于那些我们从来没有学过也没有教过的东西."

当 asked if the Indiana Department of Education is aware of critical 比赛 theory being taught in any K-12 schools in Indiana, spokesperson Holly Lawson declined to make a statement other than that "curriculum is set at the local level."
