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GH 101: Explorations in Economics

How do you fit into the economy at the local and the global level? In this course we will explore the world around us, utilizing economic methods and perspectives to investigate, 理解, and help solve intriguing and important problems.

GH 101: Economic Perspectives on Current Events

Instructor: Dr. Debra Israel

Dr. Debra Israel is a Professor of Economics and an affiliated faculty member with the Gender Studies, International Studies, and Multidisciplinary Studies programs. She received her M.S. in Agricultural Economics from the Pennsylvania State University and her doctorate in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In between these two degrees she spent time teaching English in Bolivia and working as a tax analyst for the New York State Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Broadly speaking, her research interests encompass environmental economics issues, focusing primarily on demand for environmental quality either in the United States or globally. Her current research focuses on charitable contributions to environmental organizations, second hand clothes markets, and parking lot sharing. An additional research interest includes examination of public policy issues in developing countries such as household use of fuel and water in Bolivia.

Please contact Dr. Israel if you have questions about this course.